Saturday, October 20, 2012

Convo with Sister & Announcements!

Sorry I've been a little inactive lately. I'm still settling in from my move and have been working a lot.

I had the idea for this today when I was in the bathroom and had to get it out! (Please don't ask HOW I got the idea in there....)

Announcements: Good things coming in the next week or so. It's going to be the month of H:

Next week: Homecoming/Hipster Week
Week Following: Horror/Halloween Week!

I also have obtained some great new Fiction stories and will be posting some reviews soon!


  1. Great idea and like the sound of your upcoming caption ideas.
    I understand it time to settle down to your new place as well as getting your work situation sorted so I wouldn't of expected you to had been up to capping much.
    Anyways have a Hug from me!

  2. Cute cap. Period or not, she's got the whiny brat aspect down cold.


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