Tuesday, June 4, 2013

You're Invited: Courtney's Wedding/Birthday Announcement

This is easily the LONGEST cap to ever be posted on this site not just in terms of panels, but also creation time. The original draft of this cap came about back in January/February when I was chatting with my friend Kristi Masters. We were chatting about how I work in the wedding industry and if I had any ideas for my future real life wedding.

The basic plot was put into place, however the story line had to be rewritten FOUR times because of various reasons. I once heard that 90% of writing is rewriting, so I guess that's true. I had to recruit Amber Harland and Lisa Frank to help finish the story because it became so overwhelming but I'm happy to announce that the story is finally ready to see the light of day. There are a LOT of cameos from different caption artists in here so be on the look out! This was the last cap designed with my old program before moving to InDesign.

Because of the nature of this series, I will be posting either one panel a day or multiple if the panels are shorter. There are a few subplots and I think it would be too much for a single post. My birthday is 2 weeks from today, so I plan on posting this series leading up to that day. Following this will be a new series. (Yes, I've been very creative lately, just ask my contributors!)

See you at the wedding,
Courtney Captisa


  1. How sweet that you mentioned me! I didn't expect to ever inspire a series. Thank you so much sis! *hugs*

    Kristi M

  2. Wow...you are going all out to make this an epic event that we readers can't help but wait on the edge of our seats for!

    Are you going to accept wedding presents from us outsiders or will this be a planned to the last detail event?

    1. Wedding presents are fine. Look at "Courtney's Capping Wish List" at the top :P. I will say that the story line is amazing!

  3. Looking forward to seeing it, Courtney.

  4. I would love to be your groom! :-)

  5. I would love to be a bridesmaid!


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