Thursday, September 17, 2015

Special Fourth Anniversary Post! (Multiple Cap Extravaganza)

Wow, time has really been flying by. I can't believe it's been FOUR years since this blog was first started. I want to thank EVERYONE for supporting this blog and keeping it going. Special thanks to my contributors who are also keeping things active! This blog is close to hitting the 10 million view count. Proof that TG Land IS popular and I expect it to keep growing.

Here's a little history about the blog: I started capping because I found there was a severe lack of good clean style caps. The only graphic design experience I had was making flyers for a few local bands and a few small businesses. I started posting on Rachel's Haven around 2009/2010. About a year later, Dee from recommended that I start a blog since I wanted to post about other things besides capping and many stories behind the creation of the caps.

At the time, Yahoo Groups were still somewhat popular for caps and Blogger was becoming the new platform for TG Land. Things took off and the blog started getting a few thousand fews a week.

A few people reached out to me with ideas for caps and collaborations, but Claire was the first collaborator to post regularly on the site. She doesn't post regularly here now, but as many of you know I work with Claire writing books. We meet on Skype about 1-2 times a week. When I mentioned the anniversary, she decided to make a new cap!

Believe it or not, Claire made that cap in MS Paint since she just got a new laptop so don't say all MS Paint caps have to be white background with boring text!

Here's the cap I made for Claire:

Amber also came on board and made a new cap just for the anniversary! This is based off a true story since I'm trying to buy a beach condo next year and Amber has never been to the east coast of America!

Cap for Amber:

April told me she wants to be an athletic girl and made this!

She also made this one for me knowing I want to see more Quince caps!

For April:

Haylee and I have spent a lot of time together recently because of the launch of the TG Mall Series books. We started on Book #2 the same day Book #1 was released (yesterday):

Haylee decided to spice this one up:

For Haylee:

Alexis made a return and did this one really quick since she's in Japan right now!

From Hammster

For Hammster:


  1. Congratulations I'm so happy that you have stuck around so long and have been very active. I really enjoy your work and look forward to see what you do for year 5.

  2. So happy to be a part of the team. I'm looking forward to my first full year as a cap artist. Congrats on the milestone Courtney!!!

  3. So happy to be a part of the team. I'm looking forward to my first full year as a cap artist. Congrats on the milestone Courtney!!!


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