Thursday, May 16, 2024

It's a Family Secret

 Happy Sunday to you all! Today's is a short and sweet one, no pun intended! I hope you enjoy and keep the love and favorites coming! Have a great rest of your day and talk to you tomorrow, love ya girlies!

-xoxo Haylee

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  1. Fantastic surprise to this story! Never would have thought of the ending. Was it in the sprinkles that transformed him? Otherwise, wouldn't the judges who sampled the cupcakes been transformed? You sure had us on this one Halley!

  2. So, all it took was one bite of the award-winning cupcake to transform into a beautiful woman. Sweet! And no surgery either. What about the judges who sampled the cupcake? Did they transform too or was the magic in the sprinkles that were added before the newest of the fairer sex sample it? Zoe


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