Thursday, May 9, 2024

Working From Home

 Good Morning all so fortunately as this post comes out, knock on wood for nearly all of us the effects of the pandemic are behind us but I wanted to do a little ode to all those amazing girls that unleashed their true  self during the pandemic! Just curious would love to hear if any of you started living your authentic lives during then! Comment below. Anyways I love you all and thanks so very much for your continued love and support! Have a wonderful day!

-xoxo Haylee

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  1. WOW, what a great story! Is this your coming out story to us?

  2. When I started working from home during Covid, and now that I do permanently, I started spending more and more time ad my feminine self. Now, I'm her virtually all the time except when I need to be seen on a Zoom meeting or go somewhere that I NEED to be seen as my boring, disappearing male self. The shift to work from home was one of the best things to happen to me.

  3. Zoe no unfortunately hehe.

    Michelle that is so amazing! Glad you were able to make the best of the situation girl!


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