Monday, September 29, 2014

Here is the next installment of the TG Mall! I recently have kind of developed a fetish for being a bigger woman! I as a man am by no means small and I know when I first began crossdressing I did not think it was possible to be big, and sexy. However I recently have had a big realization after going into a Lane Bryant store that I think being a full bodied woman would be so much better! Even writing about it now makes me a little excited lol, anyways I hope you girls enjoy the cap and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! Tell me what you think, even a check in the boxes saying; Amazing, Funny, Cute, Messed up, or Sucks is better than nothing. I really have been working hard on these caps to make them more enjoyable, and more in depth to get your feelings going ;) but if you girls are not enjoying the caps, that is fine, I just want to know what I can do to change or what not to change, as to give you girls the best caps in the world! (P.S. No I am not saying my caps are the best in the world, I just want to make them as emotionally stimulating as possible for you girls) That being said, I hope you girls enjoy this cap, I worked very hard on them.
-xoxo Haylee
Author Bio

Hey I am just a crossdresser that likes to make caps! I hope you all enjoy my caps!
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Another great cap :D A full bodied beauty is good in my book any day, the cuter the better. In terms of "emotional stimulation," I always like caps where the magical transformation is a positive one, either consensual, sought, or even part of a loving friendship/siblingship/relationship. I also really like when the changes are described as feeling wonderful and glowing warmth rather than painful or humiliating.
The cute girls are always my favourite, and I have an odd little tick for braces/middle school/early high school captions. A small touch of the ditz is never a bad thing (despite the blatant feminist concerns :P). Happy capping! -DAGS
Thank you very much for your continued feedback DAGS! I will try to include some more magical caps with a willing transformation. I also love braces, and the occasional young girl cap.
However please girls I really would like to hear your feedback :) I don't mean to sound naggy, I just want to produce what you girls desire.
DAGS do you mind if I ask for just your first name both as a boy and girl? I ask because I wanted to make a cap as a thank you for you consistent valuable feedback! I hope you don't mind that :)
Oh hey! I'd be honoured :D Use Sam for the guy name. Sarah or Rachel are fine for girl names. Make me cute ;P -DAGS
Great idea for a captions, but needs better editing and proofreading.
I know every time I make a cap I always forget to proofread once I am finished lol I am sorry I will try to fix that :) I appreciate your feedback
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