Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mother's Day Story OUT NOW: Son to Daughter (and writing style changes!)


Lulu PDF:

Claire and Courtney's latest book is now LIVE on the Amazon and Lulu Book stores. Thanks to everyone who placed a pre-order!

For this story, I thought it worked best to write it from the Mother's point-of-view detailing her experience with discovering her 19-year-old son crossdressing and their new relationship as mother and daughter. We have been criticized in the past for our writing style, which is mostly active present voice in third person. This was originally done due to the suggestion of an editor of our first book since it makes things seem like they are happening now instead of the past but some people have commented that they prefer passive, hence why the mother is talking like it already happened. Personally, I like active voice although I wanted to change the perspective for this story.

We decided to go with the mother's perspective to make the story more personal. A similar style is used in PROMised, which details the experience of a guy who starts turning into a girl one month before prom and how he will try and change back to a boy.

Which style do you prefer? There's another story I'm working on that I've been thinking about for a year. It has a very complex plot and is the story of a male babysitter who assumes the life of the mother of the children and wife of the husband. The real mother has gone missing and he tells the tale of his gradual feminization and the need to be a mother to the kids.

Description for our Mother's Day Book:

Thoughts raced through my head when I first discovered my teen son, Connor, was crossdressing. He was embarrassed, but I encouraged him by letting him know it was okay and even started buying him girl clothes. Something about shopping for him enticed me, filling the void I had since he was my only child and I always wanted a daughter. 

Mother’s Day that year changed my and, more importantly, my son’s life forever. Being a nice boy and more comfortable with crossdressing, he decided to go to a salon, got a manicure, and told me he would give me the gift I really wanted for the holiday. A day with a daughter! 

This is the story of life with my feminized son. Mother’s Day was only the start as we both decided it would be fun to experience all parts of raising him as a girl, from the very beginning. Going from a diapered baby that loves her stuffed animals, to pre-teen ballerina that wears only the cutest tutus, and then having a princess themed Sweet Sixteen for “Caitlyn.” 

However, this didn’t happen without certain struggles along the way. Which is usually the case when raising girls. 

Connor/Caitlyn's Mother 

As always, we started a Pinterest board for the story. We use Pinterest to gather ideas for looks of characters, clothing, plot, etc. It does have some spoilers but is helpful to look at while you are reading the story or afterwards:


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoied the story and the perspective fit the story well, but i did notice a couple mistakes the editor missed on the first few pages


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