Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"The Swap" Movie Inspired Cap

Last night, I watched a TG body swap movie that just premiered on the Disney Channel, easily called The Swap. The plot is about two students who are having family, friend, and school issues who swap bodies through cell phones which have been enchanted as a totem and must switch back before it is too late. The boy is a hockey player with strong dreams, but an over-controlling dad and the girl is into twirling/gymnastics, but having to deal with a dad who left and a mother who is very spiritual as well as social issues with friends. Of course, this being a film that seemed to be geared towards the 10-15 year old demographic, there wasn't any heavy transformation details, but it was still a fun movie. There are scenes involving spa treatment, makeovers, and having to teach each other their hobbies. Under all of this, there were some strong emotional scenes that gave the film substance. I actually enjoyed this a LOT more than the movie Sam. Might check out the book it was based on by Megan Shull.

While the idea of a boy and girl swapping bodies in school is nothing new, the added issues made the film fresh. It wasn't just about dealing with being the opposite gender, but also how do handle other situations such as nearly losing a friend due to social changes and bullies. While I won't give away the ending, I did think of a new cap idea in the process.

1 comment:

  1. i watched this movie too, omg its sooooo totally cool


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