Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017 Best of TG Land Awards (and Disappointments!)

It's that time of the year again for some of the best (and worst) things I encountered in our little universe! This has been a tradition for the blog since the start with only some years skipped! It's also going to be the last post for 2017!

Best Blogger Caption Blog

The Insomniac blog has been up since 2015, but it wasn’t until earlier this year that I first discovered it. She has a very good mix of magic and realistic captions in a clean nature with stories of decent length. Open to requests as well and the blog is updated daily! What more can you ask for?

Best Tumblr Caption Blog


This style of capping has gained some popularity on Tumblr in the last few years. Usually features short sentences in second person and high-end photography. I’m a fan. Some require imagination but the point is given!

Best Deviant Art Caption Page

While there are many great DA pages, Sprite09 has great serial caps that are edited to show various stages of transformation and is consistent with releasing material! Also has some single panels and full stories.

Best Free Story

Hush by Clarity

This gem of a story contains many great themes AND has back bone to it. It has 215 Reviews on TG StoryTime which is insane! Just read it.

Best Paid Story

Any caption story on Nikki Jenkin’s Patreon page.

While some of the edits are a little too graphic for my tastes, Nikki never disappoints with creative storytelling and editing!

Best Illustrated TG Story

Convicts to Co-Eds: Written by Courtney Captisa & Claire Bear. Illustrated and edited by Joe Six-Pack. Original Edit by Mindi Harris

Yeah Yeah, I know what you are saying. “Courtney is a bitch for nominating herself!” When is that not the case? This story took a long time to develop and was a masterpiece with some of the best people in TG World working on it! I was very excited to do a collaboration with Joe Six-Pack since I had been a fan of his for years and this story combined everything all of us love about gender transformation. Perhaps there will be another project for 2018!

Best Caption by Courtney

Better This Time Around: Sorority Days

A few months ago, I started experimenting with serial caps. This one and the class reunion/time travel one were great. The plot of this sums up the content of this blog. You’ll see more of this style in 2018.

Biggest Disappointments

Courtney’s boyfriend finds out about her activities in TG Land. 

Shit. That wasn’t supposed to happen! At least they were understanding!

Open TG Captions

This site seemed like a great idea on the surface. The idea that people could make their own captions to pictures already on a site and have it generate their text. Many users have complained about the server overloads and that the site works maybe 1 or 2 days out of the month. Someone from the site has started a more reliable blog that has great content (even though I’m still against white backgrounds):

Is Open TG Captions the Crystal’s Story Site of the 2010s?

“The hardest decision to make” story is left unfinished.

This story had a very original plot and I was excited to see what could be done. Unfortunately, the author has been AWOL since posting chapter 4!

Caption Artists Still Using White Backgrounds

I mentioned this last year as well. Seriously. This was out of date 7 years ago. This is like using 56k Internet to upload your caps and browse TG Land. At least make the background pink with black text and a non-Times New Roman font! I’ll take Comic Sans over this.

The blog redesign

We had the same blog template for at least three or four years. I wanted to update it since it was feeling out-of-date (much like Blogger itself). Didn’t realize the retaliation I got from it! People were disappointed in the change and I was disppointed that not as many liked it! Because of this, I’m changing it again sometime in Jan 2018. You’ll have a chance to vote on the actual design this time!

See everyone in 2018! Happy New Year’s!



  1. Yes, the insomniac is probably the best around the net. Trully a masterpeace and my personal favorite :) Sprite09 also has amazing content and the way the captions are showing a slow process of transformation is just amazing. I'll be checking out the stories you mentioned. It's been a long time since I last read something longer than a caption. Sure open tg had been dissapointing recently. I hope Emily will be able to fix it. By the way I didn't knew white backgrounds were an issue. I'm using it since it's comfortable for my eyes. I found many great stories which are hard to read due to the colors used. Anyway I can change it but I don't know what colors I should use. Any suggestions?

    As for your blog you're doing an amazing job and I hope you will continue :) Have a great new year Courtney :)

    1. Thanks. As far as white backgrounds, Sprite09 uses them as well but they are using text effects which makes a difference. Of course the blue on grey and red/green combos suck but even a light pink or white on black is better than nothing.


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