Friday, January 5, 2018

Requests Are OPEN! (Until Jan 14)

This is the ONLY time this year where I will take open requests from the public. You MUST comment here. No message form, e-mails, etc. Just comment on this post. Remember the guidelines of what I do and my spectrum of artwork!


  1. HighSchool: Prom, Volleyball, Cheerleading

  2. Hello :) I was thinking that maybe a caption about a really unmature and rebelious teenage boy who at his 18th birthday gets a surprise from his mom who transforms him into an adult/young adult woman to teach him a lesson. Now as a working mom the boy is learning about responsibilities at his job and at home where he has to take care of his kids.

    Just a simple thought, nothing unique but I was wondering that maybe you will be interested.

    Cheers :)

  3. 18. Forced feminised by step mother and step sisters. Gradually starts to like it. Becomes a girly girl

  4. Anything with realistic age regression/progression. How about something where two friends get transformed into a mom and daughter?

  5. I would like to see story about highschool guy named Christian (me) being transformed magically into a cute and sexy blonde girl named Christine ;) I want cute face, long beautiful hair, nice big breast and booty. Best outfit would be tight top and sexy tight skirt ;)

  6. made fun of the wrong girl while trying to pick up a girl

  7. Braces,heels,magic

  8. A school boy named billy forces to wera a prom dress by his mum and his mum as got him a date with a boy

  9. A BOY named billy and his mum finds him trying on his sister's prom dress

  10. How about a man who agrees to be turned into his a girl temporarily, but gets stuck forever as his girlfriends little sisters friend.

  11. I totally �� your blog and love the idea of you taking requests!

    A cultural change caption would be amazing! Like a change from a white boy to a black/Latina/Indian girl!

    Keep up the amazing work!

  12. How about a man who agrees to temporarily be transformed into an adult woman only To get stuck as a teenage girl- his girlfriends little sisters friend

  13. How about a mum finds her old wedding dress and has her son try it on and makes him all up and she calls her sister to come and see her new daughter

  14. Magic to tern brother in to twin sister

  15. Macho Big brother who bullies his little sister for being a girly girl gets hypnotized to become her little sister who idolizes her

    Guy who really likes girl gets asked by the girl to go undercover to a girls boarding/reform school to make sure her sister is behaving and not putting on an act, agrees hoping to impress her but doesn’t get told it’s an all girls boarding school until he’s transformed

    Girl worried about her grandmother’s well being at an old folks home asks guy to go check on her well being, which means having to become a female elderly resident to become close to her grandmother

    Chauvinism boss becomes his own ideal secretary

  16. So maybe you could change me from Scott a college grad to a pretty, busty, popular HS blonde? Maybe my name is Krysti or Barbie and I'm a total girly girl who remembers her former life but loves this new one without responsibilities?

    If you have time I would also love one that changes me from a guy with a disappointing job who disappointed his parents by not finishing school and his dad by not being good at sports. This one would turn into their little princess and have a lovely life as their sweet little blonde daughter. Maybe it's time travel and change so they don't remember the old him but he does and learns he loves this life as a beloved girly daughter much more.

  17. Method acting sissy?

  18. Girlfriend forces her boyfriend to act like her little sister because of height difference in order to get out the house as parents don’t like her having guys round

  19. Goes to a hypnotist and gets entranced into believing they're a girl. Hypnotized to love to wear really girly things like tights and skirts and heels and dresses and wants to find a man to please.

  20. Magical transformation: A male babysitter shows up for job to babysit a little girl. Throughout the night he's confused by the weird changes that are happening to his body. He starts to realize what's happening a little too late after the girl confesses that she would much rather have a female babysitter.

  21. Could you do a cheerleading, ballet or gymnastics cap with a guy named Ben.

  22. One thing that I always enjoyed was the process. Rather than a sudden transformation or undescribed surgery, I like it when the process of changing is fleshed out. How the character feels as things begin to change or as they are given a makeover.

    Other than this, I also enjoy stories where the character is initially reluctant or resists the change, but grows to enjoy it.

  23. First of all, Holy Bozangas!
    But as per my request, Do something with him magically turned into who wears skirts and/or bikinis and (s)he falls in love with a guy.

  24. I hope you're doing well, Courtney!I don't have a specific request about content, but I would love to see more captions featuring pictures of redheads :D

  25. Captions involving forced to be a cheerleader by the squad and also forced to wear prom dress.

  26. I especially love forced to be cheerleader by a squad of girls I wanna see a beautiful blonde brunette and or redhead.

  27. Role exchanger, the more swaps the better

  28. A boy gets gifted a pair of Breast Implants for his 16th Birthday, and then joins the cheerleading squad in an attempt to get close to the surgeons daughter so he could get them removed.

  29. A guy spying on his sister as she gets ready for ballet practise. She finds him, and turns him into her younger sister, and takes her along to ballet, where she is already perfect at dancing en pointe.

  30. A brother go wedding dress shopping with his sister that has just broke her leg and has to modl the dresses for her

    2 a boy go to the salon but the salon girl has over ideas and makes him over for her gay best friend (name of not billy )

  31. A man named Ian secretly desires to be a girl, his little sister finds out and helps him transform

  32. Anything where a guy starts crushing on a boy and has to start participating in progressively girlier behavior to become his ideal girlfriend. Specifically nails. It is worth the effort to be held or kissed like a girl.

  33. A guy likes a boy and begins participating in progressively girlier behavior; clothes, makeup, hair, nails, breasts. (Specifically nails). All this in order to become his ideal girl. However, it is all worth it to be held or kissed like a girl.

  34. A guy who likes a boy must participate in progressively more girly behavior, specifically nails and maybe breasts, to become his ideal girlfriend. However, it is worth it to be held and/or kissed like a girl.

  35. A guy who likes a boy must participate in progressively more girly behavior in order to win his heart and become his girlfriend. Specifically nails, maybe breasts. However, It is completely worth it to be held and/or kissed as a girl.


  36. Manly quarterback becomes girly cheerleader.

    Mach boss becomes secretary of female competitor with hypnosis.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. guy joins a sorority to get a girl

    a psych major must spend a year as woman for his thesis

    please involve tights or yoga pants in the captions

    thank you

  39. A spiritual successor to "My Sister, Myself" by Genni Smith. Basically, teenage boy switches places with his elementary aged sister thanks to their dads machine and must adjust to each others lives.


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