Wednesday, February 24, 2021

That's What Friends Are For

Cue the Dionne Warwick. I just LOVE caps where the femminee looks girly, but is still acting like a guy!

Zoe said...

Hey Courtney,

Another great cap, pic and story!!!!
And good for her to try all girlie things while she can. I too enjoy wearing thongs
now and then, takes a bit to get use to! Anyhow, with looks and beauty she has, why would she want to ever change back? Zoe

Elise said...

What a great and unique angle in this story...having "her" still act like a guy! Looking forward to more of these:)

Anonymous said...

The "toxic masculinity" comment isn't quite appropriate in that context, I think... but that might just be in character.
Good caption.

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