Sunday, November 28, 2021

Prices at the Pump (Political Cap)

 Almost the end of Shopping/Gift Week on Patreon. 

For you non-US cissies, do people post stickers of their leaders on gas pumps like they have been in America?


  1. Courtney, really like when you do a political cap now and then and this one is great! Just where is this gas station as I'd like to fill my car up, even with these outrageous prices if I can get the same results!!!! Zoe

    Hope that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving

  2. Cute photo and caption too! Apparently I'm in too liberal an area, because I had no idea that people were doing this. then again, I also go to BJ's to get gas, so I am paying less than most people at the pump too!

    And I feel bad for all the Brandon's out there!

  3. Does writing caps like this turn you on or is it more of a propaganda thing?

  4. Please tell us you're not a cheetohead republicant! Anyone that is a POC, LGBTQ or a working stiff should never vote for the very people that hate you!

  5. @Dee, Just take a trip south on 95 and you'll them VERY often once hitting certain states.

    @Anonymous, I'm not republician. I just like seeing little cissies not only become girls, but also conservative.


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