Friday, November 11, 2022

Captisa County Pageant: Ex-Boyfriend

 My boyfriend, William, has been on thin ice for a while, but after I found out he cheated on me with some sorority girl he’s done for sure! I was looking forward to the weekend with him since things were getting serious. The plan was for him to go back home with me for the weekend since the county fair was going on and he could meet my parents. What was going to be an amazing time connecting turned into me wanting him to not exist anymore! I didn’t even tell him that I found out. The plan came about from advice on a forum and talked to my parents who were suffering from empty nest syndrome. My cousin Courtney told me the pageant for fair queen may not happen this year and I told her to not worry, since there would be at least someone entering.

Right when we arrived at my parents house, we settled in and I took him in town to do something fun. Had to lie to William about it being an escape room and he was wondering why we were entering the room separately. Upon entering the room, he was tied to a chair and subjected to a video coming from a projector that put him under deep hypnosis. The lady on the screen brainwashed William into thinking he was my younger sister. He would now go by the name Mallory and think he was still in HS! She made him forget about his life at college with his frat bros and ditch all the masculine hobbies he once had. Mallory would now think of HERSELF as a girly girl cheerleader who loved fashion, making custom jewelry, and doing funny dances on her TikTok. She would looking forward to the county fair this weekend with dreams of being crowned!

Once we arrived back home, our parents welcomed their new daughter. She took my old room which she commented about redecorating a little once the pageant was over. Although she still looked like a college boy, in the mirror she only saw herself as a young, blonde girl. I slept in another bedroom knowing we had our work cut out for us the next day, but would be pleased with the results of my ex-boyfriend being punished for what he did.

In the morning, we arrived at the salon to make miracles occur. They started with a full body wax followed by doing some skincare on her face to take a few years off and make her look much more feminine. Her pen*s and balls were tucked in a special way that would make the swimsuit competition believable, but also allow her to go potty when she needed. It took a while to put her blonde hair extensions in, get her eyebrows waxed, breast forms glued on, and get a mani-pedi but it was all worth it to see my new little sister look perfect for the pageant. My parents stated that once she became settled at school and into her new role in the family, they would explore surgical options to make those breasts real and get rid of that thing between her legs as punishment for breaking my heart.

The hypnosis was going to be permanent and I could tell my lil sis was acting more femme than any other girl on stage! She was graceful in an evening gown, perky in a swimsuit, delivered an amazing vocal performance of an early Taylor Swift song, and answered the question perfectly. She was meant to be Miss Captisa County and I can’t wait to find out how she does in her new life as a popular girl at school and distinguishable young lady representative of our county!

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