Good Morning this is another fun post for me! A few weeks back I partnered up with the amazing JenGreene of Greene Captions! I will post her links below so you can check out her other content as well as my take on one of her common premises! Also she has a Patreon so please considering supporting her if you like! I hope you enjoy her refreshing take on the TG Mall! Keep the love up and have a great rest of your day!
-xoxo Haylee
JenGreene's Platforms:
DeviantArt -
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Patreon -
Patreon (Both free and Premium Content!)
Hey all if you want more amazing content and want stories two months sooner check out my Patreon for only $5 a month!
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Yay! Those were good times before my ban lol Thanks girl! <3
Jen, didn't know that you got banned? Not right!!!!! I do love your captions and this one is especially great! Send me the name of the mall and the store so I can go shopping! Thanks!
Awww I'm so sorry to hear that JenGreene, would love to do another collab with you if you want!
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