Friday, October 10, 2014

Here is the next installment of the TG Mall, and I tried to really mix up the plot variety and try to add some more willing transformation. I hope you girls enjoy, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions of the cap! Love you all!
-xoxo Haylee
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Hey I am just a crossdresser that likes to make caps! I hope you all enjoy my caps!
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Nice addition. What about reversing gears for a bit and say on Halloween, the girls can experience what being a guy is like ? But to make it interesting everything reverts back at 12AM. MIDNIGHT, the Witching Hour ! I am sure there are some girls and guys who say " You { insert gender type here } think it's so easy ; what if you were a { Boy or girl } for one night ? "And you had to pay for everything, gas, meal, movie ", and so on. I dare say, once you've walked in his / her shoes ; you won't ever envy their life again ! Anyway, just a suggestion. Think about it and feel free to use it.
I loved this one. I honestly think it's in the top 5 of your TG Mall series. I always enjoy your posts and look forward to the next installment.
Interesting concept, I will think about it :) I appreciate the feedback
Wow thanks, I really appreciate the feedback :)
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