Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Here is a little bit more emotional cap without any magical element. It is just a story about a young boy that was influenced by all his female sisters without them even knowing it. Maybe estrogen is contagious ;) lol. Anyways hope you enjoy this slightly more serious cap of mine. As always I love to hear feedback :)
-xoxo Haylee
My dad worked a ton growing up and I rarely saw him (not his fault) so I know the feeling of being comfortable and being accepted amongst girls I feel that's what eventually lead me to open my feminine side and start crossdressing as a kid. Great cap keep it up! Hope to read another on soon and the TG mall caps too :)
Thanks again for your continued feedback
Hope it's not too much, really do enjoy your posts
Lucky guy!!!!!!
I definitely think my sister and people I consider sisters influenced my style choices a lot starting out. So I can relate to this in some small way. Love it. It was a really pleasant read. (:
You can never give too much feedback Darlene, I promise
Thank you very much, I am glad my caps are both enjoyable and relatable :)
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