Tuesday, March 29, 2016

1,000th Post and Updates!

Wow, we just hit 1,000 posts with this one! I did delete a few posts due to the request of a few submitters, but this is the first time we hit a thousand, so that's what counts!

Unfortunately, no new content but there are plenty of updates!

First off, if you haven't visited in a while... I suffered a massive anxiety attack in December and announced my retirement from capping. I did seek professional help and am happy to announce that I'm feeling much better. I opened up to a therapist about my role in TG Land and feel more at ease with the situation. Whether I will come out of retirement or not is a 50/50 decision at this point. I am still willing to accept submissions (no pun intended) and Claire is supposedly working on a few new caps.

In terms of writing, Claire and I have been hard at work on the sequel to "Bet I Can Feminize My Brother!" We are about 80% complete. The story is longer than the original and will focus heavily on two of the contestants and their roles after the events of the original story.

Amber Harland, a former contributor, is also working on her first story which takes place at a Comic Con. Haylee is working on another TG Mall story as well.

As far as solo work, I'm working on two prom stories since prom season is coming up. One of them takes place inside of the TG Mall universe. Another story will focus on Mother's Day. In case you didn't notice, I'm now also accepting comissions for custom stories: http://courtneycaps.blogspot.com/p/commissions.html

In terms of content for this blog, I have conducted interviews with a few very well known people in TG land and will be posting shortly. There is also a "best of" post and new Top 13 stories post coming out soon. I've just been so busy with my personal life, I'm not spending as much time on here anymore. But I do appreciate our loyal followers! This blog still gets over 100k views a month!

NIJIA said...

Glad to see you are alright because I really miss your captions(^o^)

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