Friday, July 10, 2020

Important Updates: Sissies, Blogging, and COVID-19

First, the fun stuff. I talked to Claire the other day who informed me of an interesting situation on Twitch. Here is what she said:

"There’s this fairly famous streamer and video creator plays games etc

And he did one of those Omegle girl videos where he tricks them into thinking he’s a girl, wigs make up etc

It went well so he did it for a stream and got loads of subs and donations

So now his donation goals (when he reaches certain milestones) are like forgeits

First one was fake nails for a week,

Then was to go out as a girl, then live as a girl for a week, wear a bikini 

And now he has to go shopping in full girls outfit"

Here is the link. Yes, that's right. There is someone out there getting paid to be feminized and play video games. Your goal! Can someone please by this homie some breast implants! Maybe I shouldn't use the word homie. Alexis said to me the other day: "Courtney, you are the whitest person I know."

Look for two NEW themed weeks coming soon. 
Bikini Beach Week
and CURRENT EVENTS week. Hope y'all want like caps about BLM, COVID-19, and Trump!

Books are still in development.

My real-life career has been completely RUINED thanks to COVID-19 regulations. When an announcement was made in mid-March in my state, it put all of my work on hold. I managed to get some unemployment but what I make a week in unemployment isn't even what I was making on ONE DAY on the weekends. Recently, I started doing some side work but was notified today that someone at the establishment tested positive and I'm now BEING FORCED by my local health department to self-quarantine for 2 weeks. RIP Summer 2020. Please stay healthy.

With that being said, please consider supporting my Patreon. My TG Land life is a happy safe space and I could use the funds. Plus, you get some AMAZING content depending on your support level. I'm posting caps daily there, multi-panel, videos, and you will even start to see movie reviews in video form!


In tribute to Dee, who posts a song at the end of each post, here is this message:

Anonymous said...

If youIf you don’t want to make the Worst caps you’ve ever made don’t do you current events Away from anything political

Anonymous said...

And to be honest no one in the fucking right mind would want caps about BLM the Virus or anything fucking political & you have to be a complete fucking retard to want stuff like that

Anonymous said...

Where is the link to this streamer

Courtney Captisa said...

Link is in the post. and I've already made some of the worst caps!

Dee Mentia said...

Any topic can be turned into a TG caption or story, even current events and politics. I've even included the recent death of my fiance into a few captions. We don't caption in a vacuum, unless people are just looking for wank material.

I kept saying, "this is probably my last Covid caption!" and then another idea springs forth. The object is to expand on the real world and make it interesting and fantastical.

Apparently I am going to be in trouble if Youtube stops letting me embed videos at the end of my posts since some of my notoriety comes from music that relates to the caption I'm posting!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I cant click on link

Courtney Captisa said...

Sorry to hear of your loss btw, Dee. I love caps of all situations. Life is around us and I agree it's kinda lame to see some caps just geared towards some guy jerking off in his panties.

Anonymous said...

The link doesnt work, can you send it as a reply

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