Alice and I got together the other day to hang out and after we were done trying on some things I got for Christmas and flirting with boys on Facebook, we decided to write some more caps together. Here's the first batch. Part II coming in a few days!

Great to be with you Courtney. Had a blast with the dress up session and jotting down our capabilities. I hope your followers enjoy them, maybe there is room for more?
Courtney & Alice, awesome job.
The 2nd cap was really cute, I just wish I could have seen what a lovely Mom Brad turned out to be. :)
Annabelle, what's the best way to contact you? I didn't see your email on your profile.
Annabelle, a great idea for a future collab on a mother daughter day at a spa. What do you think Courtney?
Oooooh that's interesting Alice ;)
Loved this post! They were all great and the last was very comical. Excellent collaborative effort
Courtney and Alice!
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