Saturday, November 14, 2020

Babysitter week: Envious


Let's kick off the week with something most of us go through, but not often women towards men.

Anonymous said...


How do I get your recent book on 8 Nights of Chanukah?
I don't have a kindle so what is the best method?
Thanks so much!!!!!


Anonymous said...


How do I get your recent book on The 8 Nights of Chanukah?
Sounds like a good read but I don't have a kindle. What is
the best method?
Thanks and I really enjoy your caps and thanks for all you do!

Courtney Captisa said...


You DO NOT need a Kindle to read any of my books on Amazon! When you purchase, you should see a link that says "read in Cloud Reader" or something like that. Links to your Amazon account and no download or other device needed.

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