Monday, November 2, 2020

Post-Halloween Thoughts


Looks like Lil Nas X dressed up as Nicki Minaj for Halloween! Did anyone else dress up as your favorite woman?!

I've received some very positive feedback in personal messages from people who read the stories in my new book, Frightening Feminization, but haven't received any reviews yet! What was your favorite story?

Crossdressing Cabin is the longest story in the collection and I seriously wish someone would turn this into a movie. If you love corny slasher movies, this is for you. My other favorite story in the collection is Have a Good Nightmare. The plot is about a young husband and father who starts having extreme nightmares about the future after the death of his wife. Soon, the nightmares become real. There is a scene featuring a character I've been wanting to do more stories with named Sasha in a universe I created. She appears in one of my best books,  Genderalla Prom, as a guardian angel type of person that only the main character can see and interact with. She will appear in another book I've been working on for years hopefully released near New Years called Resolution Regression. The character and universe is explained more in detail with each story.

Thanksgiving multi-cap coming out on my Patreon in a few days!

Who is looking forward to Christmas?! I'm thinking some cheesy TG romance Hallmark-style stories!



Anonymous said...

I went as Princess Belle

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