Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pageant Replacment
Sorry that I haven't been around for a while guys. If you like it then I'll try to be around more often. Stay girly my friends.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Jenna's Harsh New Reality
I've been told to make more caps for this week, so Miss Courtney doesn't have to be the only one making ones for this weeks theme. I hope you all like it and enjoy the ones to come.
Monday, February 25, 2013

Amber's Black History Month
Well I'm not sure how great it is, but I figured I needed to contribute something towards this weeks theme. Please let me know what you think.
Sunday, February 24, 2013

A understanding
My second forced cheer by sister cap, one more then a caption Courtney requested.

Black History Month Week
Since it's Black History Month here in the United States, we have decided to pay tribute by doing Black History Month Week! This week will feature African-American models and show that TG Caps/Fiction isn't just for white people!
Friday, February 22, 2013

Love Birds
Another short one I did for Allie during the Skype Party a few days ago. She loves the theme of having to dress like a girl and then go out on a date! I also love the idea of feminizing a guy and having him have to act as feminine as possible around other boys!
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Curse of The Older Sister
I keep telling Caroline that being my little sister isn't going to always be fun for her. Hopefully this cap will show her just how much of a pain her big sister can be.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Courtney's Book Club February 2013: Nailed by Valerie Hope
This is seriously one of the best illustrated stories I have read. The plot is about a woman who takes her husband to a salon where other men are being "madeover" I love the method of transformation and different personalities of the new GIRLS!
Check it out!
Discount Link: ...

Amy meets the QB
So Amy (an old contributor) Is back from the land of Men, and I thought she deserved a cap.
P.S The bet between me and Courtney ended in a draw and so we did a coin toss. Sadly I lost (she must have cheated) and I have to do three forced to be a cheerleader by sister caps, Enjoy.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sissy Boy Cheerleaders Forced to Go Undercover
During the Skype Party, I did about 5 short caps for those in attendance. Mikayla and Allie hit it off, so I decided to cap them in a fantasy they both enjoy!
Mikayla's blog:
Monday, February 18, 2013

Caroline's New Beginning
Caroline has had nothing but a horrible time since she came out to her parents, and it breaks my heart to know what's been happening to her. I've basically become her only family and it would make her so happy to be able to move up to Calgary with me. Unfortunately we have hit a roadblock in terms of finding a way for her to immigrate. If anyone ...

My BFF Courtney!
Here's my third caption thanks in large part to Courtney sending me the pic! I absolutely adore it and I hope she enjoys the caption! And if you missed the Skype party you missed out on loads of fun! We must do it again soon!! :)
And as I told everyone on there last night I am officially changing my female name to Allie! It fits me better ...
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mom Was Right
First of all let me apologize profusely for the delay in captions. I've been busy :( . Not much to say but here is my latest and I hope you like it! Let me know what you think! :)
And as always if you have a pic you may want captioned send it and we'll see what happens!!
Amber Smith :)

Skype Party Happening NOW
Join us before I show Caroline some other things about being a girl...
Message Claire to be added: clairebearxoxo94
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Like Sisters
Caroline and I have been chatting like crazy lately, and have become very close friends. I mentioned to her the other day that she was like the little sister I had always wanted. So I figured I'd write a caption about both of our sister like bond.

Skype party! (Sunday 8pm EST)
Time for another Skype party! Join me and Courtney (And also other contributors if they are online). Just to be clear Skype is completely free and we won't be doing video (unless we get supppper drunk)
So join us by adding Clairebearxoxo94 on Skype and I will add you in. (There will be forced by sister into cheerleader caps if enough people ...
Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day at CCC
2/15/2013 01:20:00 AM
female to male
Valentine's Day
Most single women hang out with each other on Valentine's Day and at CCC, that was no exception. Claire spent a good part of the night playing XBOX Live and I made fish tacos and worked on some computer stuff. When we talked online, it was mentioned that no one did a Valentine's Day cap for the blog today so we decided to do something producti ...
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video: Officially Amber
Well my package came in and I've officially been christened by Courtney as Amber. I'm posting my unboxing video for all of you to enjoy.
Update From Courtney: Contributor Week EXTENDED!
I'm back from spending a week in NYC and as soon as I got back to Baltimore yesterday I had a job interview and I had to move my stuff back home! Yeah, busy busy! I did manage to rearrange my office at CCC though! Here's what it looks like:
NYC was a LOT of fun! Here are some highlights from my trip:
1. Visiting the Metropolitian Museum of A ...
Monday, February 11, 2013

Best Summer Ever
So I haven't posted in a long time...I know....but, I am back, at the request (and threats) of Courtney :P, so here's the first post in a while! Shaun and I worked together on this, as we've become really great friends here recently :) So, I hope you all enjoy, and Shaun, thanks :)
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Based On A True Story: New Phone Surprise
The only part that's actually true is that I have been having issues with my cellphone. It's been sent off for repairs and I'm on a loaner phone that won't let me use Skype.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Guest caps: Aimee
I got an a email of someone interested in there caption being posted on the blog. Yay more clean captions :) (P.S she was also nice enough to say my caps were better than Courtney's :P )
The first of two sets of caps from Aimee.

True Love
This cap is a bit more personal to me. I have a girlfriend who has no real idea that this side of me exists, and I don't ever intend on her finding out about it. The thought still lingers as to how she might react if she did find out, and I would hope that it would go something like this.
Also please don't comment on how I should tell her. My d ...
Monday, February 4, 2013

Courtney's New Roommates
With Courtney in the middle of moving I thought it might be fun to imagine what would happen if she decided to have Claire and I move in with her as her new roommates.
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Doing What's Best
Seeing as Courtney has set her sights on me for bringing out my inner girl. I figured I'd make a caption about what could happen further into the future.
So far I have shaved my entire lower body for the very first time, and I've ordered my first several pairs of panties. I can't wait to find out what Miss Courtney has in store for me next.
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Extra Life
Courtney told me to write a multi-part cap story involving a guy having an accident that results in him needing surgery to become a girl. I apologize for my absence over the last week or so. School has been rather hectic as of late and I haven't had time to cap. Anyways I hope you enjoy my little story and I'll try my best to release some ...
Friday, February 1, 2013
Contributor only week
Courtney is moving this weekend and then going to Manhattan for a week. The person she is staying with is stealing WI-Fi from a neighbor, so access may be a little limited. Also if any body has caps they want posted email me at